Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Intermediate Term Market

This is the third of four blog posts on the current status of the market, here the intermediate term timeframe, as shown on this weekly bars chart...

An uptrend (not accelerated) started in early February 2016.  Its first pullback supported at the first Midas support curve, but the second pullback strongly broke down through the second Midas support curve.  This means that uptrend ended.  But quite dramatically, the strong down week that ended that trend came to a screeching halt right at the level of the S2 support curve on the monthly bars chart.  From there, price bounced up sharply into a new uptrend.  The most recent few weeks have shown some weakness, but we're still far above the support curve for this trend, so we're still in an uptrend on this timeframe.

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